Croquet history in the 2016 Nine Wicket Nationals

by Ford Fay · 25 June 2016

Fourteen players who took part in the First Flight Division at the Denver Colorado 2016 9 Wicket Nationals are part of US Croquet history.

Since the 2008 9 Wicket Nationals have been held this was the first time the game in the First Flight Division was being played by the USCA basic rules that “on each turn you were alive on all balls”. The only other USCA 9 Wicket Challenging Options were (a) ball out of bounds, (b)sudden stop on expired time and © a 45 second time limit to take a turn.

The players making history were Charles Berberich, William Berg, Di Berg, Bernice Bertolli, Kenneth ErkenBrack, Ford Fay, Estelle Hanson, Robert Hartman, Todd Marshall, Judy McKeon, Gail Rubin, Craig Sirkin, Harold Wambold, and Richard Zurn

The grass conditions and loose wickets were challenging but equal for all players and the best of players were beaten. Everyone had a good time and special thanks to the host DCC, Ron Eccles Tournament Manager and Matt Baird Tournament Director.

Ford Fay

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